Commercial Analytics:
Customer Insights

An up-to-date and complete view of your customer data. Uncover opportunities and make informed, data-led decisions, that drive revenue growth.

Customer insights provides a consolidated and reliable view of customer information. A single point of information from which to make informed decisions on business and customer strategy, driving revenue and strengthening customer relationships.

  • Identify cross-sell and up-sell opportunities to maximize customer spend
  • Segment customers by size, buying profiles or even progressiveness, to enable a more strategic approach to selling
  • Visualize and understand trends and metrics around customer loyalty, prevent customer churn before it happens

Cross selling

Attracting new growers can be challenging due to the working relationship between agronomists and growers. Increasing spend per grower can therefore be a very effective way to increase revenue.

At a strategic level, cross selling allows Ag Retailers to implement a sales strategy to identify and close cross-sell opportunities based on sales data. Trends and risks can be uncovered, such as the loss of potential sales to competitors, and strategies implemented to counter them.

For a salesperson, the data can prompt and support targeted sales conversations with their growers, giving them easy access to their growers’ buying profile and history.  

Even relatively small incremental increases in sales from successfully cross-selling products can have a big revenue impact when accumulated across a retailers customer base.

Customer loyalty

Keeping track of customer churn across a whole business can be challenging, and understanding the impact of it even more so.

Customer loyalty metrics allow Ag Retailers to track net customer base and value across different levels of the organization, highlighting any negative trends that may need attention.

Ag Retailers can also track whether new customers return to the business and continue to buy, supporting the creation of an effective strategy to retain new growers.

Whilst it is important to look back and understand customer activity and track it over time, we also support Ag Retailers to proactively prevent customer churn. Our data science team are developing a system to identify customer behaviour that leads to churn, allowing sales teams to step in when needed to retain valuable customers.

Sales team on-boarding

Agronomists and salespeople are highly knowledgeable about their growers, but this knowledge is not always stored centrally or available more widely across the business. This can make on-boarding of new team members and succession planning a challenge, creating risk around customer churn when agronomists move on.

Giving Ag Retailers access to customer insights supports more efficient on-boarding of new members of the sales team, ensuring they are informed and able to support growers as quickly as possible. This can minimize the risk of growers moving to competitors when there is a change of agronomist.

The sharing of customer information across the business also supports strategic planning, uncovering insights and opportunities that were not previously visible when data and knowledge sat in isolation.

Customer grouping

Intelligently grouping similar customers together can support more effective marketing and sales activities. These groupings can be customized by a range of characteristics such as products purchased, timing and frequency of spend or even progressiveness.

Customer groups allow Ag Retailers and their sales team to support their growers more effectively and efficiently.

Sales teams can ensure they are allocating their time effectively and building stronger relationships with growers by understanding trends and behaviours of certain groups with common characteristics. i.e spend level, acre coverage etc.  

Customer groups can also support  more effective marketing, enabling more targeted communications by customer group that are both useful to the grower and effective in increasing sales.

Key Features

  • Customer Insights is designed to give overall visibility of an organizations customer base and associated metrics/information. 
  • At a strategic level customer information is aggregated to give an accurate and reliable view across the entire operation. Enabling the identification of trends, potential risk and opportunities.
  • Such visibility also allows for more effective sales team action.
  • Activities and objectives of sales team members can be directed based on reliable and up to date information, ensuring that sales team time and effort is focused on the most valuable opportunities.  
  • Maximize customer spend and share of wallet through identification of opportunities
  • Measure and track loyalty to uncover trends
  • Prove and increase ROI for the grower by sharing relevant data with them.

Key Metrics

  • Customer grouping
  • Potential total customer spend calculation
  • Customer buying profile (segment, product mix etc)
  • Buying frequency and recency metrics
  • Aggregated metrics for customer churn (won/lost customers)
  • Potential opportunities for up-sell / cross-sell. 
  • Won / lost customers - Net customer base - aggregated view across locations.

Get in touch and discover more about how Commercial Analytics can unlock value from the data that drives your business